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15 Nov 2024

Injury Prevention Secrets Revealed by Dr Ali Irani

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Injury Prevention Secrets Revealed by Dr Ali Irani

Discover how small habits can have a big impact on your health as Dr. Ali Irani, pioneering physiotherapist for India’s top athletes, exposes the hidden risks of everyday choices.

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Injury Prevention Secrets Revealed by Dr Ali IraniDr Ali Irani
00:00 / 1:06:37

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Welcome to the Episode!
Dr. Ali Irani joins us to discuss injury prevention, holistic health practices, and optimizing performance. A physiotherapy expert, Dr. Irani shares actionable strategies for avoiding injuries, improving posture, and boosting overall well-being.

Ali Irani: This is a test called sleep apnea.

It's shocking. Your normal breathing should stop no more than 5 times per hour. But there are people whose breathing stops 20, 25, even 30 times per hour.

Ryan:Is that the reason why they wake up in the morning feeling completely tired and fatigued, not having had a good night's sleep? Uh, see... Kids are losing interest in traditional team sports; 70 percent of them drop out by age 13.

Ali Irani: I feel 12 to 14 is the age when a child chooses their sport.

We conducted a study on primary school children and found that 13 percent of the students choose sports as a career. What is

Ryan: scoliosis?

Ali Irani: Our spine not being straight. It's either on the right side or left side. So prevention has to start from school level. This is a point to be noted. Our lungs were made for four and a half to five litres of air.

And Indians are below two litres. We lost all COVID patients if we have lost them [00:01:00]because the vital capacity was below 1.2 litres. Prana and Gaya will be four litres each.

Ryan:Your vital capacity significantly improves with pranayama. What do you think about that?

Ali Irani: Water is conserved when necessary, and a parapet is built to save it without any waste, ensuring it is preserved separately.

Ryan:A paraphrase is your second opinion on what knowledge does.

Ali Irani: A few things you need to keep checking to maintain a healthy life and live to a hundred.

One, um,

Ryan:Is a simple habit like carrying your wallet in your back pocket silently sabotaging your health? Dr. Ali Rani, the first physiotherapist for the Indian cricket team and my dear friend, reveals how minor habits can impact posture, leading to lasting issues. He dives into posture's power from easing injuries to boosting resilience.

Beyond alignment, [00:02:00]Dr. Ali Rani uncovers the wonders of saffron, a superfood with numerous benefits. He discusses issues like seasonal allergies, dancer's bronchitis, and five tips to ensure your health. Learn about gadgets and habits that can pose risks, and why quality sleep is essential for physical and spiritual well-being.

This video is for you to transform your worldly thoughts and to balance your well-being between me and Dr. Ali Rani because this podcast helps you change your well-being.

Before we begin, here's a health shot for you, for your well-being, my well-being, and for communal well-being. Cheers!

Ali Irani: Cheers to your company

Ryan:Thank you very much.

Dr. Ali Rani, today let's see, I've been on this journey with him for more than a decade in the cricket field because I have nutritional supplements and amino acids. Dr. Ali has been a friend for many years. Over the years, our friendship has grown. Every time I meet him, he gives me something, so it's always like meeting Santa Claus. And what he gives you is health and a story. So, I wanted to share some of my snippets with you, but today I always see that he has started talking a lot about safety, about his loved ones. [00:04:00]A place where saffron grew. Now, I never knew about the nutritional value of saffron until I met Dr. Ali Rani. And when he first introduced me to saffron, he gave me a lot of it. So, Dr. Ali, Dr. Ali, why saffron for us and why did you give saffron to everyone?

Ali Irani: It was great to meet you and I've always been following your Instagram and YouTube.

Whatever you say, you have been one of the people bringing health back to India. Thank you. As the story goes, in the olden days, saffron was exchanged for gold. Saffron had great value, but science has found out that it's undoubtedly high in immunity and also a mood stimulator. We all need to stimulate [00:05:00] our moods.

No doubt. People have used it for facials, for creams. It has come in, uh, uh, just a string of it coming in milk. Kesar milk it is called. And of course in all the Indian sweets it's used and it was also used for biryanis. The flavor of biryani is to come from saffron. No doubt. I go regularly to Iran for my lectures.

And what I pick up best for India is usually saffron. So I want all my friends to have a good mood and high immunity.

Ryan:So, you know, when you first gifted saffron to me and you told me the story about it being equivalent to gold. So I went back as a nutritionist and did some research. And there are a few case papers on saffron extract reducing anxiety and depression in women.

So now. When we talk about our wives, we should consider giving them saffron naturally because I think it helps women, especially those approaching perimenopause and menopause. It's a beautiful thing, but you know, you give people things, but you are a real doctor, a health and family expert. You've practiced for many years, especially at Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai. You started your career in sports physiotherapy and were with the Indian cricket team.

Tell us something about sports injuries and how sports, mechanics, and the whole involvement of sports medicine are now reaching the common man today.

Ali Irani: After finishing my studies at MS University Baroda, I joined Dr. Rambai Patel at Bombay Hospital as a researcher. As my research progressed, many sportsmen would come to Bombay Hospital early in the morning for various treatments.

That's how the journey began. In 1987, on the  1st of July, I joined Nanavati Hospital, now known as Nanavati Max in Mumbai. I've been with them for almost 38 years. We revolutionized physiotherapy, and everything changed. When I was a student, there were only 7 physiotherapy colleges in India. After I joined the Indian cricket team in 1987, we now have more than 300 colleges.

Wow! So the value of physiotherapy started being recognized in India after I joined the Indian cricket team.

Ryan:Just for those who don't know, okay? Do you need to be injured to see a physiotherapist?

Ali Irani: No, why not prevention? I think physiotherapists play a great role in prevention. And prevention is always better than cure.

For more information visit We know there are six common problems: high blood pressure, diabetes, cervical spondylitis, poor vital capacity, slipped disc, and obesity. All can be prevented by a physiotherapist. With the right exercises and proper nutrition, you can avoid these issues.

I've seen a number of my patients getting results. Go to Ryan, and it's a result.

Ryan:So, what I understand is that our other processes exist because humans have adopted such life lessons. When you were part of the Indian cricket team, the life lessons and sports-specific issues that you observed—today cricket is at its peak, we've won the World Cup, but you still see many players getting injured. So is it because they are pushing and therefore the body's breaking?

Is it because genetics is bad? What are some of the things that you've seen with athletes as, uh, things that are easily solvable? And does any of that trickle into the common man?  [00:09:00]

Ali Irani: Of course, uh, as far as the cricketers go, before me, what I'd heard from the seniors was that they were all workers in banks, cement companies, railways, and Air India.

So they have to ask for leave. They have been selected for India. And limited practice. And there was, as there was no physiotherapist with any team, any sports team. I am not talking about cricket, any sports team. So when I went, my first job was to tell them, see I have come here for prevention. Not only to treat you.

We want to see that you are not injured. So we have done the evaluation of what all injuries you can get. So I found out that there was not a proper programmed warming up. And, you know, warming up is very important because you have to raise the temperature of your body so your muscle can stretch more.

And after warming up, a good stretching session. And then as we went on doing that, there were fewer injuries and the performance increased. It became better because we started talking to them about exercises. Nobody knew what a gym was. So for them, practice was the [00:10:00]batsmen going and knocking. And they used to find young boys to throw at them and the bowlers wanted to bowl.

So some bowlers would warm up by bowling at the wall and then move to the nets. Back then, there were no closed nets. There were very few limitations. Only 14 players were selected, along with a manager. I went as a physio, making it a 16-member team. But now, by God's grace, sports are given more importance.

There is no team in India which doesn't have a physiotherapist.

Ryan: I'm not a sports person. But if I'm reaching my 50s, I feel good in my joints, I eat well. I had an ACL rupture about two years ago. I'm telling you, it inspired me. So, if an average person also takes the services of a physiotherapist, not because you're injured, but because you're aging.

So, would there be a benefit in that? And if there is a benefit, could you give us some of the, uh, like, uh, real tangible benefits? You know, people go out. Yesterday I was in Mumbai, and I saw the bill at the next table. It was like 40,000 rupees. You know, people are turning up in cars that are very expensive.

But their posture is all wrong. I saw a guy get out of a luxury German car and he was walking awkwardly. And I was just thinking this youngster needs the services of Dr. Ali Irani and his team. So [00:12:00]come on, why should we, uh, look into our future with physiotherapy?

Ali Irani: Why I'm saying prevention is better than cure.

We conducted a study on primary school children and discovered that 13 percent of them had scoliosis.

Ryan : What is scoliosis?

Ali Irani: Scoliosis is when the spine isn't straight. It curves either to the right or the left. So, basically


Ali Irani: So, that's how they carry the bags.

Ryan:Oh, it's not from birth?

Ali Irani: No, it's the way they carry the bag. But my worry is at primary level, they are not even 10 years old. So, what would happen when they are adults and they are into some profession? For more information visit So, prevention has to start from school level. So, telling them the right posture, the right bag, how to carry the bag.

Now, sometimes the classes are wide. So, the right side is always turning to the left to watch. And the people sitting on the left side are like that, wanting to watch the teacher by turning to the right. Now, I tell the teachers that every Monday, those who are sitting on [00:13:00]the right should sit on the left, and those who are sitting on the left should sit on the right.

So this is a point to be noted for prevention. Two vital capacities. God has made our lungs. I am just telling you how to maintain them as you turn 50. Our lungs were made for 4 and a half to 5 liters of air. 4 and a half to 5 liters. And Indians are below 2 liters.

Ryan:And maybe that's the reason why we are not at a very good Olympic level of athleticism.

Ali Irani: We have, we have, we have my PhD student. Has gone. So that twenty-five from.

Betwell is such a person.

Success in Pranayam will be 4 liters plus for [00:14:00] those who are doing Pranayam.

Ryan:So Dr. Ali is saying do Pranayam to boost your vital capacity, which greatly improves your physical fitness. We lost

Ali Irani: all COVID patients. If we have lost them, we have lost them because the vital capacity was below 1.2 liters.

Just below 1 liter.

Ryan:So even children and middle-aged people can learn Pranayam. Should I advise corporate India to practice Pranayam in the office? For how long? Shank,

Ali Irani: I'll put it in simpler terms. You know, shanks are available in South Kanyakumari specifically. Yes, yes, yes. People go and buy them with their names written on them.

Our warriors do it.

Ryan:You said that Dr. Sood will come into our lives with the shankh. So, I thought I could do it with a week in India.

Ali Irani: So, let's talk about Vitamin B12.

Ryan:Vitamin D is essential for health.

Ali Irani: Vitamin D deficiency is very common, and I would say that among Indians, more than 50 percent are affected by it.

Ryan:Is this your experience when you're working in the hospital?

If a

Ali Irani: patient comes to me, here it hurts, here it hurts, here it hurts, number of pains. I usually want my musculoskeletal patient who complained about aches and pain to do D3 and B12. And 90 percent of them, it's low. Just put them high on, uh, you're the best. Nutrition and things change.

Ryan:So here's the thing, okay?

Sometimes, clients say to me as a nutritionist, "Ryan, give me something natural, please." We both know that vitamin D is essential for maintaining health.

David, D and B12 are vitamins, and they are essential. If you take them, it will benefit you, or if you take them in a certain way, it will benefit you similarly. This is a significant point related to food, so people should not ignore that it will benefit them or that it is a significant point.

Ali Irani: So this is a type of deficiency, therefore in non-veg food, it is found in soup, vitamin D, and mutton B12. Peasants, which you would have to tell the people better what is the option and vegetarian in all your talks. I see you tell them the options for what they can do. Very, very important for Indians because most of the Indians. So I was telling about my study, eight football teams, when we saw all, every player had less of D3 or B12 and most of them both. So we...

Ryan:have a public confession.

So a lot of athletes come to me. And we do ask for the blood test. And at least 80 percent of the athletes, even from affluent backgrounds, have vitamin deficiencies.

Ali Irani: Even children from affluent backgrounds have low hemoglobin. Go to the students of schools, even the best IB schools. A child's hemoglobin should be at least 10.

You give me a child with hemoglobin 10, and the child will become something.

Ryan:So what you're saying is that, uh, we start with the child's body

Ali Irani: composition. What I want to meet to have a healthy life to live 100 if you are going to make a century. So few things which you have to keep checking at least once in six months.

Vitamin D3, B12, and Magnesium play a very, very important role. We can talk a lot about magnesium. Why magnesium? You emphasize more on oral magnesium, in tablet form, oil form, and all that. My emphasis is more on topical form. The spray form or oil form. Because, uh, most of the magnesium needs to be supported with something.

So, uh, magnesium with affirmation is important, which means intention. So, magnesium can be used as a spray for pain, for sports recovery, for joint pain. So, uh, we use it a lot. Even my postgraduate student conducted a study comparing treating a patient with physiotherapy and, for the second group, only adding magnesium oil, spraying magnesium on them.

And [00:19:00]I said that Dr. MG's magnesium is one of the best because they come with affirmation. So, you are not just taking magnesium, you are taking magnesium with a purpose. For what? For pain, for recovery, for better joints, better strength, and better recovery. So, I feel magnesium with affirmation is going to be a big thing in the world that people will go for. As far as oral intake is concerned, I think pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium. Yes, they are. Channa is high in magnesium, and of course, other medicines also play a role in increasing magnesium. But when you compare, I would love to compare if you give me a proper magnesium oral supplement. I would love to compare it with the spray and oil on a number of people with knee problems or back problems and come out and prove to the world which is a better choice: to have it orally or through spray form.

Ryan:So what we do at the coordination clinics, and this is a very interesting thing, is that we, although we look at the magnesium levels in the blood in serum, and in the RBCs. I see that genetic tests, which have the capability to determine magnesium levels or not, help us know when I look at it overall, I see the person's totality. So if it's a top-performing person, I look at magnesium 308 to see because my team did some research where they say that people with high magnesium levels have better heart health. And so I thought that, you know, the chess players, people who use their brains, or elderly people—both my parents are 77—I put them on magnesium threonate. But for the athletes, bisglycinate or magnesium citrate, from a cramping perspective, has significantly, uh, reduced. So

Ali Irani: the enemy of a sportsman is lactic acid


Ali Irani: I'm coming to more ways of it now. Lactic acid sets in if your oxygen reduces. So as you get tired, the cramp comes.

Ryan (2): So if you have a better vital capacity, there is a delay in the onset of lactic acid. Now, magnesium's main role is to hold things together. So I found that if you increase magnesium, your B12, D3, and the food you eat, the idea is that the body is not absorbing it. Now, the second thing about absorption when you are taking it orally is the condition of your gut and how well it can absorb it.

Ali Irani: So if you have a better vital capacity, there is a delay in the onset of lactic acid. Now, magnesium's main role is to hold things. So I found that if you increase magnesium, your B12 and D3 from food, the idea is that the body is not absorbing it. The second thing about absorption when you are taking it orally is the condition of your gut and how well it can absorb it.

But skin absorbs magnesium better.

Ryan:It's the largest organ. Yes.

Ali Irani: So I'm saying, that comparative study will definitely prove whether it's better taken orally or applied to the skin. But at present, I feel that as physiotherapists, we don't encroach into your field when you are administering treatments. However, it would be beneficial if you could advise your patients to use it orally with affirmation.

And definitely your affirmation will be there for what you are giving. There is a reason to it. Why? That's why I feel till today all gurudwaras, the prasad is chana. So, it increases the magnesium.


Ali Irani: True. In Middle Eastern countries, drivers keep cracking open pumpkin seeds. They eat pumpkin seeds. The reasons were not known.

But one of the reasons that we are finding now is they are just increasing the magnesium level.

Ryan:You know, when we are talking about this, it reminds me of an article I read about teenagers attending rock concerts. They did an analysis where post-rock concert serum magnesium levels actually dropped, and it's something to understand as a buffering capacity. So, I suggest that people look at their serum magnesium levels when they are working out, as they can be extremely low. Therefore, I definitely work with magnesium levels. So, many things are coming back to religion, but to speak from my heart and religion, your experience as a physiotherapist is powerful in reaching the world. Action, reaction, or an injury from the body.

Ali Irani: I can tell you a story of one of our players. I would not like to name the players. First match going to open play for India and we were hardly 40-42 runs down with three wickets. But what I saw him when he was getting ready, he knows he's going for his first match. He was psyching himself and he should say in Marathi.

He was saying in Marathi, "Malā karāyach ahe, malā karāyach ahe," which means "I have to do it, I have to do it." And he was the only one who, after going in, stabilized our team and made a hundred. So, psyching oneself is very, very important. We had another boxer from the UK who used to come straight to interviews and say, "He can't defeat me, one knock, I'll knock him off." And for a long time, I saw him, I think he was named Prince, not losing any game. So, yes, with that positive mindset, you go.

But seeing the team, I saw a player who, after seeing the fast wicket, said he wasn't 100 percent fit. He claimed to have a neck problem and couldn't play. However, the person who replaced him as an opener became a regular opener. And by evening, the neck problem was gone.

Ryan:So, opportunity favors the bold.

Ali Irani: So what you want to do is very, very important. I can do it. I'm here for it.

Ryan:And speaking of psyching yourself out and doing all of these things, you know, you also get people operating on the boundaries of superstition. So one is to believe that I have to do it. Another is trying to place it.

with a superstition. So have you seen any superstitious behaviors in sports? Most of our

Ali Irani: players, most of our players. See what I want to say, when they enter the team, the Indian team, uh, they have come with pure hard work. Pure hard work. Pure records. Fantastic performance. That's how they come on the Indian side.

But to maintain it, maybe after a few months or a year, I start, I see the rings coming, the Pukhraj, the Neelam, the thing.

Ryan:I think that's something that we should not advise to the youngsters out there.

Ali Irani: There are studies to prove it now.

Ryan:Yes, in fact, I worked on a podcast just like you with Dr. Shane Criado who wrote a book on peak sleep performance for athletes. A student. He was my student. He was your student. Small world, right? So, Dr. Shane wrote the book and he, there was a study he quoted from one of the leading Ivy schools on the basketball team.

And they made the players sleep 10 hours. And the three-point accuracy throw actually increased by, I think, 9 to 10 percent more. So, that's there. Speaking of sleep, what's your position on sleep as a doctor? Because sleep posture, like sometimes you get up in the morning and, you know, you're getting older, right?

And you just get up from bed and you're like, okay, I hurt something just by sleeping. So that's age catching up with you. So is there a right side to put my head? Should I sleep in a north-south direction? Um, should my pillow be high, low, or what about the mattress? What are all the, let's not call it superstition, but there's so much information out there.

As the doctor who controls the movement of the body and makes it better. Sleep.

Ali Irani: I feel the best position is your head facing east and your legs towards the west. The second option is your head facing north. Okay. Those are the two best options. Okay. And you will sleep. If you do it regularly, you will definitely sleep better as well.

Ryan:Yes, it's important to maintain a regular sleep schedule, meaning going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

Ali Irani: Same time, very important. And how many cycles of sleep? I would, in general, let's talk because most of our audience will not have any specialty. So I want to generally say increase your sleep by one hour.

the planet.

Ryan:the planet. Dr. Ali Rani says to break the habit into one small piece and everything will get better. Yes, pills?

Ali Irani: I see it in this form, and when you pray, it appears that we only read such forms. We want to pray all day, to read some form, but when you only read such forms, it needs to be done first. So, it needs to be done first. Do it first.

Ryan:I used to get neck pain for a long period, sleeping on a thin pillow.

And the moment I just padded it up, it disappeared. Speaking of sleep also, I have a lot of my clients asking me this question. When I was young, I didn't snore. When I became 45-50, I began to snore. What's the reason behind that? There's

Ali Irani: laxity of the muscles. What's laxity of muscles? The muscles getting weaker.

For more information, visit

Ryan:So is there an exercise to improve your muscles? There are a lot of exercises. Does Pranayama help with that in any way?

Ali Irani: Many breathing exercises do that. Weight does that too. Weight? Yes. Dr. Shane has talked a lot about snoring and how to get rid of it. There's a test called sleep apnea.

Correct. And it's shocking. Your normal breathing should stop no more than 5 times per hour. But there are people whose breathing stops 20, 25, even 30 times per hour.

Ryan:Is that why they wake up in the morning feeling completely tired and fatigued, not having had a good night's sleep?

Ali Irani: Uh, see, another reason could be the REM period.

See, usually we sleep for one hour and 20 minutes to one and a half hours. We sleep after we have fallen asleep. Then for 10 to 20 minutes, we dream. That's called the REM period, rapid eye movement period. During that time, we are dreaming. Then again, we fall asleep for one and a half hours or one hour and 20 minutes. And then again, we dream.

So now the whole night that goes on. So when you get up, if you get up during that one hour, twenty minute or one and a half hour, that's your sleep time, you feel you have slept very well. And if you get up between the ten and twenty minute, your dream period, depending on your dream, you feel how you even you get up.

Oh, it was a bad dream. Or you are not comfortable when you have got up. So you need to keep reshuffling your timing so that you always get up during the sleep period rather than the REM period.

Ryan:Okay. So we can't control posture [00:30:00]when sleeping, but what about posture in daily life? What are the things that you see when people are walking on the road and you're like, oh, this guy has this problem.

So, any fixes for the Indian population?

Ali Irani: So I feel at night we love to go into a warm posture. You always cuddle and sleep. So we go into flexion, we get up in the morning, we brush our teeth, we are bending forward, we are driving, we are at the table working, whatever work we are doing, we are bending forward.

So I always say that Surya Namaskar was designed to do the extension early in the morning, which we often neglect. I can show you a posture that I call the modern Surya Namaskar. You can lie on the bed, on your stomach with a pillow under your chest to correct your posture, to unwind, as I call it. When you are walking, one simple way at home is to keep a book on your head and walk, ensuring the book does not fall.

Two, I prefer the girls having a earring with big chain. So that chain should be on the shoulder. Okay. So usually if the girl is walking wrong, the chain would be in front of her. So she, she will start pushing her neck backward.

Ryan:Mobile phones

Ali Irani: It has improved and it has started.

which we have to unwind. Rather than stooping forward, and at night we also curl up and sleep on the right or left.

Ryan:You know doctor, I have another question related to the dynamics of the human body and posture. How bad is it for men to keep a wallet in their back pocket?

Ali Irani: See, for most of my back problem cases, one of the first things I check if it's a male patient is their wallet.

Wallets are supposed to be kept in the front pocket.

Ryan:Front pocket?

Ali Irani: Yeah, because wallets nowadays are not currency. There are a lot of cards, your credit cards, your club cards. So when you sit, it happens that when you put them in your back pocket, you get an upslope. So we have a side joint, a sacroiliac joint, upslope and downslope. So it happens that this is an upslope where you put it on one side. So you put it in your back pocket, which means you are putting something under your sacroiliac joint. So I always would advise the wallet should come in the front pocket.

Ryan:Maybe that's the reason why all of us should take up UPI more often. So we have a lesser amount, but then you have the mobile wallet there with you. Um, and coming into mobile phones, um, the radiation part doctor, what is your thought on the radiation part?

Ali Irani: See, I have spoken earlier on this. So most of us have some voltage.

If you allow me, I could just demonstrate and show you about it. This

It's a voltmeter.


Ali Irani: Like this

Keep it.

Ryan:Okay, I'll place it.

Ali Irani: I'll show you the camera. You have 0.53 voltage, right? Yes. So if I put you in, put you in.

Ryan:Right? So it's not a good value. No. It means that I have current in my body, and it comes from flight and mobile phones and radiation and even all the cameras, laptops, everything.

Ali Irani: So I put an earthing pad here. Okay, put your other hand on it.

Ryan:So I'm putting my hand. So it's

Ali Irani: now 0.55 voltage.

Ryan:So, me putting my hand on an earthing mat means I should happen? You're earthing.

Ali Irani: yourself.

Ryan:Whoa, look at that, I just went to zero.

Ali Irani: That is grounding.

Ryan:From 50 to 0.

Ali Irani: In an apartment because we don't have normal mud ground, we don't have any hope for grass or sand.

So how will you ground yourself? No tiles are going to ground you. No carpet is going to ground you. So

Ryan:in my walking at home on my marble floor is not helping me? So what do I need

Ali Irani: to do, doctor? Go on plain ground. Or sand. Or grass. Or use a mat.

Ryan:But I walk every day, doctor.

Ali Irani: Yeah, but your voltage showed, I proved it to you.

If you take your hand off the matting, you're back to that. So you have that much voltage. 0.5 volts in your body.

Ryan:So when I walk, should I walk with my shoes or should I walk barefoot? No, no, without

Ali Irani: shoes, without socks. That's the biggest problem. All our parks, the parks we go to, people go to the beach to walk.

But what happened? They walked with shoes and socks.

Ryan:So doctor, barefoot, you

Ali Irani: should ground yourself. Be grounded. You get connected to the earth.

Ryan:So, are you saying that India needs to walk barefoot?

Ali Irani: Barefoot. We were, Adivasis still walk barefoot. Many people in India still don't know what footwear is.

Ryan:Fine. There is no problem with me. I didn't feel anything until you put a voltmeter and showed it to me. So what is this grounding? I mean, is the voltage in my body doing some harm to me? Yes.

Ali Irani: Yes. That's one of the causes of inflammation. The body should have zero inflammation. Zero voltage. Thank you.

Ryan:So if I lower my voltage, I can also lower my inflammation.

Ali Irani: If you lower your voltage to zero, zero it out. So when you take long flights and come back, your voltage increases much more. And we call it jet lag.


Ali Irani: So ground yourself.

Ryan:So, you're saying if I walk barefoot instead of wearing shoes with foam, rubber, or plastic, my inflammation will improve and decrease.

But what about, uh, you know, I go to the gym and we wear all of these nylon and lycra. And what about those clothes? Would that also have some sort of effect on us?

Ali Irani: I feel that cotton clothing is the best.

Ryan:That's natural, right?

Ali Irani: That's natural too. It can absorb perspiration, but other nylons and such don't.

And we need to look at our hearts to see how we can improve our lives. What techniques can we use here? Grandparents or faithful friends across India, but people think about spending 20-25 thousand rupees. So, let's see how we can improve our lives. Therefore, colonies should be created where elderly people can sit and just relax.

Ryan:So, Dr.

Ali, as one of India's most experienced physios, are you recommending  that I should go for a walk barefoot? Barefoot.

Ali Irani: Not on a tar road or concrete road, on mud, grass, or sand.

Ryan:And do I need to walk fast or just slow? Normal. Can I also stand in one spot on the ground? Yes, you

Ali Irani: can sit. I ask elderly people,


Ali Irani: know, 65 plus, 70 plus, you can sit in a chair and put your feet on the ground.

On the earth for at least 20 minutes.

Ryan:We know that our body is 60% water, and people often ask, you know, we have these amazing properties of water and everything. So, my own love for the world of water, which is deep and something people like you appreciate, what is your love for the world of water?

Ali Irani: Ah, look, people often hear about the benefits of mineral water, but I sometimes feel that boiled tap water is better than most of the mineral waters or the RO waters, reverse osmosis.

It just takes away everything that is in the water. So normal tap water, which could be rainwater, if properly tested, could be better than mineral water which has nothing.

Ryan:And do you advocate people carrying their own water from home in their own water bottles? Or should we just keep buying these plastic bottles when we are at the office or traveling?

Ali Irani: I'm against plastic. The way we drink water is very important, right? Till now nobody has spoken about it, but Ayurveda addresses it. See, water should be consumed sip by sip. Because we have two passages: one for air and one for food. So, if you are sitting down and sipping water,

Take a sip. It does not go to the air passage. Correct. It will go to the food passage. Right. So, your thirst will go away faster with room temperature water. And definitely, if you are a sportsman, you lose a lot of salt. So, a good electrolyte or sports drink is going to help you. But not chilled and not while standing and drinking.

When you stand and gulp a bottle, there are chances that some droplets can go into the windpipe. That's how you always get colds, keep coughing, and have problems.

Ryan:Wow! Awesome! So actually a player should be like, should we sit down and drink water?

Ali Irani: Always! Whether you squat or sit on a chair.

Or whether you sit on the floor. It's much better than standing, and guys, usually these players stand and gulp down the whole bottle of water. Knowing how to drink water is also important.

Ryan:Something I learned from Dr. Ali today: I'm going to be advising all my sports clients, like, "Hey, you want to drink water on the cricket field."

Squat down or kneel down and drink some water. In the same breath of water, what about eating?

Ali Irani: I need to find a good way to talk, so the best way for me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.

We should keep in mind our eating capacities when we eat.

Ryan:I think we should keep our capacities in mind when we eat.

Ali Irani: Because

Ryan:you end up eating more,

Ali Irani: Right? We should go back to our culture. Wow. Indian culture says sit on the ground, you can squat.

Ryan:the food is bad.

Ali Irani: The food is bad. What happens to our school children? They are all on fast food. That's why their hemoglobins are low. The vitamin D3, B12 not there. Vital capacity not there. There is something very interesting about school children that I want to tell you. We advised parents specifically, and they asked just one question. You can do this in your city. Ask parents what their children do when they come home. Most of them said yes, they asked the question, and when they come home...

Ryan (3): So

Ali Irani: These are the children who come home from school. And in the morning, the parents just wake them up 10 minutes before the school bus or car leaves.

And they get them ready and send them. So there is no pressure building, they have not gone to the toilet. So at night they must have gone to the toilet. In the morning they don't go before going to school. In school, they are embarrassed to go. So they come, and they don't understand anything in school. In school, they are blank.

They are only looking at the clock, wondering when they will reach home. So I advise the parents to wake your children forty-five minutes to an hour earlier. Give them whatever you want—juice, milk, tea, coffee—so some pressure is built. This way, they can go properly in the bathroom, and when they go to school, they understand better and are more focused.

But the same kids, they come home, they have a tuition. In tuition, they understand something, because they are relaxed, they are at home. So, my advice to parents is, check how many times, or go to school with your children and teach them how to use the restroom, washroom in the school.

Ryan:Wise words, doctor. So I need to come to you to get my hips fixed because I've been sitting in a chair all my life and I find it very difficult to cross my legs.

So, does this mean the inability to sit cross-legged is basically a function of not practicing?

Ali Irani: See, uh, whatever you do every day, you get used to it. Now, many people are even used to pushing the chair to get up. That is again a weakness of the muscles. So, we should try our best to get up without using our arms.

So, you are strengthening your leg more. Similarly, when you start practicing, there are very few stretching exercises, where within a month you should be able to sit cross-legged. So, it all has to do with the stretch of the muscle and the joints.

Ryan:Speaking of joints, I have a very young team between 20 to 35 years of age and they are in the office most of the day.

And we see a lot of them complaining about neck problems or back problems or, you know, like when they stand up, they feel weird or funny, they complain about something hurting. What advice would you give to working corporate India?

Ali Irani: One, uh, keep a physio ball. One in the office. Okay. And make it a rule that everybody should sit on it for at least 10 minutes while working.

So at least in your office, that is one, have a physio ball. We have done this in many IT offices.

Ask them once an hour, or once every hour and a half, they would love to go. Let them go. There is a place where they can go and make their own tea, coffee, or have a glass of water and come back. That break makes a big difference. The stiffness won't occur.

Ryan:So people in my clinic, you've got to hear this from Dr.

Ali Irani. We have a cafeteria where you have to walk 300 steps, but most of you choose to take the lift to the third floor, sit in that small pantry, and eat your food very quickly. The reason I placed the cafeteria 300 meters away is so you could take that walk, unwind your spine, correct your posture, see a bit of nature, detox your eyes, and then return to work after your lunch break.

What I've advised, Dr. Ali Irani has just endorsed. So with this physio ball, that's one great option. What about this standing desk? I was recently asked for a standing desk in my office. What's your opinion?

Ali Irani: If it's for a limited time, you can.

Ryan:What do you mean by limited time?

Ali Irani: See, but whenever you are standing, both your knees should not be fully extended.

You always have to stand on one leg. So usually, if you see the old places, you could just put one leg on top, at least half a foot away. So, uh,that's the best posture to be in. And you could stand longer. Otherwise, standing for long can stretch your back. You can get back pain. And if you flex more, then it will be the posture.

You will get a hump, neck problems.

Ryan:So, a lot of ergonomics has to be, uh, thought through in the office. But doctor, I tell a lot of people who come to me in their middle ages, get up in the morning and do five, ten minutes of some stretching and yoga. First of all, how little amount of time can you devote to get some mobility and joint movement and how much should we spend on, let's say, muscle, um, you know, enabling and some on joint health.


Ali Irani: Look, if you're going somewhere, the best thing would be to get up every 20 minutes, and once a week, know that reaching ozone is very good for your health. So, a lot of effort is going into reaching ozone. I have put a middle ground between those reaching ozone and those not, and we have also marked the places to show the boundaries.


Ali Irani: I thought it was for ozone.

Ryan:Oh, heartfelt hugs are not seen, that's why the big ones speak.

Ali Irani: Which was ahead of us.

Eyes on eyes, which is not for the lungs and stomach. There's an exchange of some radiation in your eyes, which is again going to be very good for your health.

Ryan:In fact, the Japanese talk about walking through the forest. It greatly benefits our immune system, and they have done research on this. So, it's very beneficial for ozone. Morning walkers are very healthy, and they take pride in how their bodies feel. I hope that where I come from, they have such small gyms.

Gardens, and, uh, get up earlier and just get that half an hour. Would half an hour be enough, doctor?

Ali Irani: The best sleeping time has to be before 11. 11 to 4 is the best sleeping time. You can't compromise, guy. If you sleep at 12 and get up at 9 in the morning, you've lost that one hour. So, make sure you're in bed by 10 or 10:30.

After 4 o'clock, you can get up anytime and start doing the activity you were doing at midnight.

Ryan:Speaking of midnight. We are very attached to our technology, and because of that, we often stay up late. Last year, I went to Bangalore for counseling in nutrition, and they said they don't have time for anything. Now, if you look at our best parents, they are with cricket teams. And today, people for economic status are delaying childbearing, having kids at 35-40 years of age.

So, fertility, is it affected by age? Is it affected by, you know, the radiation from our devices? And are there any injuries also that come to sports people that affect their fertility?

Ali Irani: See, the Wi-Fi and radiation from mobile devices definitely.


Ryan:So more Wi-Fi means

Ali Irani: increase of voltage. Increase of voltage means more inflammation in your body, more disturbances. So people who till the last moment are watching their WhatsApp or on their phone, smartphone and then they want to sleep. They are not going to get proper sleep.

I feel the charging should be in another room. The Wi-Fi should be in another room. So your sleeping room should have nothing, neither the charger nor the Wi-Fi. Then your quality of sleep will improve.

Ryan:You know, in Bangalore, what I do is slip a note under all my neighbors' doors when they forget to switch their Wi-Fi off at night.

Because you can see everyone's Wi-Fi on, right? So you get, oh, there's X, Y, Z, neighbor's Wi-Fi is on. So I kind of slip a note under the door talking about the ill effects of Wi-Fi on their babies and children and all. And it has worked. So people tend to switch off after 10 p.m. Because, I mean, do you really need Wi-Fi to have 4K dreams?

Ali Irani: But if everyone, as we are discussing, maybe the new builders, the new houses coming up, they would try to put Wi-Fi in a central place in the hall, where you don't sleep, or it would be in the kitchen. So it can be used when needed. So when you don't need it, at least it's not close to you.

Not within the vicinity of the next 2-3 meters.

Ryan:It's a very interesting thing I've done in my office in Bangalore. Uh, my team always wonders how I have such a fast connection when there's no Wi-Fi in my office room. I have a broadband cable going straight into the computer. And as much as possible, when I enter my office, I turn off my mobile data, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

And... I think the practice of doing it is more about understanding that radiation may have some [00:52:00] impact. Can I, can I, can I reduce it or lessen it?

Ali Irani: Definitely, it has.

Ryan:So doctor, coming back to this radiation and fertility, are there non-radiation factors, like injuries, that affect people going to the gym or athletes? Have you seen sportspeople experiencing fertility problems later in life?

In the bus and in Guardians of the Galaxy, even half of the work can be done by joining a diary.

Ali Irani: I was told to try to rest, to take a complete rest for a week. And a complete rest means skipping meals, lunch, and dinner. So, the possibility of a trip with my daughter and her friends in the Alphard is there if I get a sign for it. 

If there is any possibility, possibility, possibility, I should have the possibility, possibility, possibility.

Okay, whether it's age-wise, sex-wise, and, uh, whatever they do, stress reduces it. So, during the time to de-stress themselves, some use it as a tool to de-stress and some cannot perform because they are under stress.

Ryan:So doctor, you worked with the Indian cricket team and obviously when you warm them up, you can see injuries coming in and all.

If someone is already injured, what is your go-to advice for that? Like, I got injured recently and my muscle was hurting. So I used some muscle relaxing gel, and my physio told me it had some CBD [00:54:00]oil in it. So what should I use—ice therapy, cold bath therapy, warm therapy, salts, or something else?

Ali Irani: Always ice is going to be the best, the formula called ICE: Ice, Compression, Elevation.

First of all, until you have diagnosed and known what to treat, it should be ice, ice, and ice. Never use anything warm, don't rub, don't massage, so you don't increase the injury of the ligament or muscles. So, ice is one of the best treatments, and of course, replacements for ice are cool sprays. There are different types of sprays that are available.

There are fast relief sprays that are there. You put it on and the pain immediately. We have ultrasound, we have many laser machines, and many other things that can help with ligament or muscle pain.

Ryan:So doctor, we create a lot of things, posture and you know, grounding. During this, I want to ask you some government questions. Government, just some government questions. Or use a hot pack for energy.

Is cracking your knuckles harmful? Cracking your body, twisting your neck and getting those cracking noises. No, it

Ali Irani: relaxes you, use it. But also check your posture.

Ryan:I am going to be taking a new chair in my office. Are all of these ergonomic chairs worth the expense?

Ali Irani: It's the distance between the chair and the table.

So it's not exactly the table or the chair. When you're working, what [00:56:00]comfort level are you at? Sometimes people use a board in front of the table, right? You can place a small platform there. I always say the angle of your knee should be higher than the angle of your hip. So put something there and rest your feet on it, right?

And then how comfortable you are when you are writing or reading. So I would not say the chair is good or the table is good. The combination has to be right.

Ryan:Can physio exercises or rehab help?

Ali Irani: Spectator space, seeking medical advice for certain back problems. Maybe a surgeon feels that 5000 to 5000 therapy will be good. Started with this famous...


You have to go for a surgery and especially if you are at a young age, below 40.

Ryan:If you are to win Olympic medals in the future, should we do MSK screening for our children? And if yes, what age?

Ali Irani: I feel 12 to 14 is the age when the child selects their sport.

So up to the age of, you know, from 7, 8, 9, whatever time your child wants, allow them to play any and every game possible. They should play every game. They will decide between 12 and 14 if they want to be a cricketer, footballer, golfer, whatever. That's when the right coaching should start. The parents should help them with the right coach.

And by the age of 16 or 18, they would be a champion.

Ryan:Using balm on any injury, I got a little bit of muscle pain, soreness. Does it work or is it a placebo? See,

Ali Irani: anything that you apply is a counter irritant. Nothing goes into your muscle. Only sweat can come out from your skin. Nothing can enter the skin. So it only counter-irritates the nerve endings which are below the skin.

So temporarily, the pain could go away.

Ryan:Doctor, should I run on a treadmill, on the ground, on the road, or on mud? What [00:58:00] kind of shoes should I choose for running?

Ali Irani: If you are going to run normally on a ground and it's going to be a tar or cemented ground, choose a good shoe with proper flexibility and cushioning.

But as far as sports are concerned, every sport has a different shoe. You can't play football with cricket shoes, right? And with cricket shoes, you can't go and play squash. So every sport has its own shoes, considering the environment and requirements. And every shoe should provide comfort. Typically, we say 80 percent of your weight is on the lateral side.

So the wear and tear has to be checked regularly once every six months. If the wear and tear is significant, you can ask the sportsman to change the shoe. Or if there are shoe bites. So usually, when a sportsman comes to me, I prefer they come with their shoes—the practice shoes, the jogging [00:59:00] shoes, and the sports shoes.

So we see the wear and tear of the shoe and know where it is rubbing more.

Ryan:If you need to look at a young elite between the ages of 12 and 20 and parents decide they need to prepare for the Olympics, what do you see in your child? Look,

Ali Irani: I have seen that in the world, some examples of this include the use of technology in India. We understand and observe that many athletes use technology to measure their strength and performance. It helps us understand their movements and capabilities better. Therefore, today we can feel a lot of progress in sports, even in a short period.

Ryan:We get a lot of enthusiastic Indians wanting their young children to become Olympians and between the age of 10 and 15 do very heavy exercises, compound movements, weight training and all.

What is your opinion on this? Start young, go heavy like an Olympic champion or wait to develop the body?

Ali Irani: As I said earlier, 12 to 14 is an age where the child decides what they want to do, then the job of the parents is to get the right coaching. So the accuracy has to be better. How much? Because most of the sports are skill-related.

So how will they improve their skills with the right coaching and practice? If they've decided between 12 and 14 that they want to be a bowler, batsman, hockey player, or football player, and you send them for the right coaching, the coach will start identifying where they play better. For example, in football, we have positions like right wing, off wing, and striker.

So they decide in which specialty you are going to be good. So nowadays everything is evaluated and then explained to the parents, explained to the sportsperson. And we can take them further and definitely it's at a young age that we have to catch them. But remember in India there are certain sportsmen who, through their environment, become very good.

Right, we had, uh, we had some marathon runners from Leh Ladakh. They had never run a marathon before. But their daily routine involved climbing up for work, coming back down, and then going back up again after lunch. So, because they were climbing twice a day, their endurance had become excellent.

So when we brought them and made them run a marathon, they just, hands down, won it. Because that was a natural talent in them. Similarly, in Pune, the rope walkers could be better gymnasts because they have been trained since childhood.

Ryan:How important is it for the strength and conditioning trainer to be qualified to prevent injury in anyone starting a workout program?

Ali Irani: See, once you are a champion, if you want to remain a champion, you have to divide your time. During the season,  5 days a week, you should be practicing your skills, whatever game you are playing. One day should be dedicated to conditioning in the gym and all that, and one day for rest. So, during the season, you work for five days, give one day for conditioning, and then take one day of rest.

So rest periods are important both during the season and off-season. During the off-season, you focus more on conditioning, gym workouts, and taking care of your health to reach the next level. You play your sport once a week, but still take one day of rest.

Ryan:Doctor, you have seen thousands of patients over the years.

What are the top problems that people come to see you with?

Ali Irani: Next. I feel almost more than 80 percent of the Indian population, as my students keep checking on them, have a neck problem. It starts from school and college because of the way they study, carry their bags, or study for long periods. So, we would say when you take your chin forward, there's no pain.    

I would say a simple exercise in the morning, as you would be seeing it, you know, pushing the towel backwards, strengthening the neck muscle can help you out. Lying down, unwinding yourself. Surya Namaskar, neck problem, back radiating, and radiating back problem, leg problem, some people, especially young rich people. So now we can see the section of people. If you look at European habits, this is it.

In Europe, they have more hip problems. In some cases, if we use the toilet correctly, they have noticed improvements. Some people can't use it or squat properly. So that's again the third largest issue you're seeing, but India is very good in total knee replacement surgeries.

But I would advise that those over 50 with knee problems consider a total knee replacement, and India excels in this procedure.

Ryan:So doctor, that was a rapid fire. Before I let you go, can you share five pieces of wisdom for me, my fans, followers, and everyone watching?

Ali Irani: Get up early in the morning. Be with nature.

Hey! In learning matters, where you don't want to waste time in love affairs


Ryan:Went to talk about 5 croakamadan, but the design is very difficult when you give the presentation.

Ali Irani: Yes, thank you very much.

Ryan:Thank you for watching. This has been a beautiful video, and I am so grateful. Please share this video with your loved ones. Give me a subscribe or even a comment, and we will be back with you.


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