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30 Oct 2024

Hansaji Yogendra: Reveals the Secret to Better Sleep and Healthy Life

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Hansaji Yogendra: Reveals the Secret to Better Sleep and Healthy Life

In this enlightening episode, we’re joined by Hansa Maa, a revered yoga instructor from the Yoga Institute, who brings her deep wisdom on yoga, Ayurveda, and holistic health.

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Hansaji Yogendra: Reveals the Secret to Better Sleep and Healthy LifeRyan Fernando
00:00 / 1:14:01

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Welcome to the Episode!
Hansaji Yogendra, a renowned yoga expert, joins us to uncover the secrets to better sleep, balanced living, and practical applications of yoga and Ayurveda. This episode offers a holistic approach to mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Let's enjoy the transcript.

Ryan:We youngsters, we think of yoga as asanas.

Yogendra:That's the whole problem. People think yoga means somebody's standing on head. Somebody's doing Surya Namaskar. Somebody's doing all theater. But yoga is a way of life. When you think before doing your action, you are doing yoga. Yoga is to be lived, not to do. It's not half an hour.

I did something and I did yoga. It's not did yoga.

Ryan:I remember interviewing a doctor and he said muscle is the only age reversible organ in yoga. Hansa Ma, what would you advise people for strengthening the muscles?

Yogendra:So first of all, they should become self reliant. They should be doing their needs themselves.

They need the support, take the support. Simple, simple movements. Getting up and sitting down on the chair itself is a very good exercise. What we call it In the morning very strongly. We recommend ayurveda as well as yoga. We should function according to nature now We are no more natural Our night has become day and day has become night.

We have gone so much against we are part and parcel of nature But when we go against it we suffer Watch animals, birds, watch children, and you will realize the moment you wake up, what happens? They stretch themselves. They expand their chest. Inhale. They do that. That the natural

Ryan:activities we have forgotten.

So many people come to my clinic for nutrition advising, solve my digestion problem.

Yogendra:You see, for better digestion, certain better activities should be there. I give you one story again here. There was a man who came and he is very severely constipated. I'm eating sufficient fiber, but he was somehow not getting better.

Dr. Jaidev told him, every day when you come back home from work, play with your wife, come to me after one month. After 20 days he came. The constipation that has gone. I tell everybody, whatever you are eating now, just cut 50 percent of it. As you grow, your food intake has to be less and not more.

Ryan:I don't have time today.

I want three things from yoga and three things from Ayurveda. I can start today. Number one to your Struggling with stress, sleepless nights, or feeling disconnected in your fast paced life? You're not alone. In this episode, we're unlocking the secrets to inner peace, balance, and long lasting health with the incredible Hansa Ma, a yoga teacher and spiritual guide.

Whether you're 20 or 80, Hansa Ma reveals how yoga can help you stay in the moment and live a more fulfilling life through its powerful psychology, philosophy, and technology. Plus, discover Ayurveda tips that'll transform your daily routine and learn how yoga begins even before birth, shaping the lives of parents and children alike.

And watch this till the end. If you do not want to miss the guided yoga, Nidra session, a meditation technique, that's better than any nap you've ever had. I've tried it. You need to try it too. Ready to find out what works best for your body, mind, and soul.

Hansa Ma, pleasure to have you here on my podcast today. I was telling Mehul. I'm going to try not to cry a little bit because you remind me so fondly of my grandmother.


Ryan:And when I'm reaching 50 years of age, very few people on the planet realize the value of the elders.

Yogendra:Very true.

Ryan:And elders, I think today.

are not given their due in terms of the experiential wisdom that they have. There is a science, there is yoga, there is Ayurveda, there is teachers, there is now Google, which is, which is, which is the Google. This gives

Yogendra:you everything, all the knowledge in Google.

Ryan:But I think the reason I'm here with you today is to take your experiential wisdom in the yoga space from the Yoga Institute, how you have practiced all these years.

And maybe give some snippets of wisdom to young India, or even middle aged India, or even my mom and dad, if you're listening in, I keep telling you, you need to do yoga, and you'll say, but we are too old to start yoga. So mom, dad, this episode is for you guys. Okay,

Yogendra:for everybody. Yoga is for prani matra, they say.

Every individual has to know how to live life. So my first question, tell me why yoga say hoga? If problem doesn't get solved by allopathy, homeopathy, ayurved, yonani, acupressure, acupuncture, all these pathis are on one side, right? Yoga is on the other side. Yoga says how to live so that you don't get sick, what to do so that you enjoy every moment of your life.

How should be your state of mind, your approach of thinking, you want to suffer, you can suffer, you don't want to suffer, you don't suffer, it's your choice, somebody behaves rudely, you want to get hurt, get hurt, don't get hurt, that poor fellow is unhappy, so he is rude, why should you get hurt? So this thinking, this understanding, yoga gives.

So everybody is supposed to live. Perfectly so that he can enjoy every moment of his life at any age, young age, middle age, old age, very old age person has to learn yoga.

Ryan:But you know, we youngsters, we think of yoga as like I recently started yoga about a year ago only. Okay. Right. And I was like, yeah, yeah, stretching karne ka, something called asana karne ka hai.

But then when I started doing it, my master started saying so many things. And I was like, oh, okay, there's the mind and then there's the breath and then there's the body. So, Hansa Ma, can you expand a little bit for us, India, who feel that yoga is only some asanas?

Yogendra:That's the whole problem. People think yoga means somebody's standing on head, somebody's doing Surya Namaskar, somebody's doing all this twisting and all theater, all show, external gimmick.

But yoga is a way of life. When you think before doing your action, you are doing yoga, where you keep purpose in mind. In your life, you have to do yoga. Yoga is to be lived, not to do. It's not half an hour I did something and I did yoga. It's not did yoga. You have to get it to your personality. Whenever you think before action, no reaction.

All that happens automatically once person learns yoga. So actually to tell you in today's terminology, yoga has three things. One is psychology, how human mind works and how mind is supposed to work. Human psychology. And mind will function at different different age in different different ways. But how it works and how it is supposed to work.

You can get hurt but you, instead of getting hurt, what you can do? Because getting hurt will hurt your system. Your balance will be gone. Any amount of calculation of I want to eat this, this, this for this nutrition, that nutrition would be out the moment you are mentally disturbed. Everything will go haywire.

So you have to learn. So this psychology is one subject. Second subject is philosophy. Yoga deals with philosophy, purpose of life, why, what are you doing, what's the purpose, what's the purpose, as you said you came, the purpose was clear, that you want to spread this to the mass, purpose has to be clear, person goes to college, he should remember why he is going to college.

If he forgets the purpose, then he makes friends with these girls and boys, and then they get very close to each other, then they fall in love with each other, then there's acid throwing and suicide and all that nonsense. Why? Because he forgot the purpose of going to college. So philosophy says that keep purpose in mind and do your action, because whatever action you will do, you will be facing the consequences of the action.

As you sow, so shall you reap. Jaisa when you are sowing, what do you want? Keep that in mind and put, if I put a seed of a mango, I'll get mango and not coconut if I want coconut. So purpose has to be clear. I think today

Ryan:everyone is growing other fruits in their life, but not taking care of their own fruit.


Yogendra:right. And the third subject in yoga is technology.


Yogendra:Technology part of yoga. Technology and yoga. Technology. What is asana is a techniques. It's technology. Asanas, pranayama, meditation, kriyas, bandhas, mudras, all these are technology part of yoga. So you have to understand exactly how to use technology, purpose behind it and then use it.

Not just somebody is doing this, so I will do that. Not just becoming a circus man, but understanding and doing it.

Ryan:So Hansa Ma to, to me now, I've just started yoga, right? And well, I'm not trained in Ayurveda. So there is this confusion in my head. Ayurveda is yoga, yoga is Ayurveda. What is the best of these two worlds for, for an expert like you?

Yogendra:Both Ayurveda and yoga is very much our culture. It has gone into our system.

Ryan:Probably forgotten it.

Yogendra:That's the whole point because we are following West. What West is doing, we start doing. We have forgotten our own culture. We have forgotten the importance of that. We have forgotten that we are Indians and our culture is here.

We have forgotten all that because maybe our history we were invaded by so many and so Who am I is gone. I am just

Ryan:come back to that sense of our culture. Exactly. Exactly.

Yogendra:You can't separate Ayurveda and yoga. They are all as it is. Yoga tells you how to function in life. Ayurveda tells you both. You can't separate them out.

They are together.

Ryan:If I to ask you a very cheeky question, I don't have time today. I want three things from yoga and three things from Ayurveda, I can start today. I'm sure a lot of people come and ask you this, but you know, nobody wants to do the whole culture bit and everything because it's just not able to pop in here, but three simple things in yoga and three simple things in Ayurveda that I can do.

Yogendra:Number one, do your duty. Concept of duty. If you are hungry, eating food is your duty. I don't have to teach that. You feel sleepy. At night, you are supposed to sleep. During day, you are supposed to be active, is what you have to follow the Sarcadian rhythm. We are part and parcel of nature. So, we should function according to nature, but when we go against it, we suffer, we have sickness and problems.

So, Ayurveda says, all these three doshas will get disturbed, vat, pitta, kapha, the moment you are going against nature. So, follow that and watch animals, birds, watch children and you will realize, the moment you wake up, what happens? They stretch themselves, no? They expand their chest, inhale, they do that, you know, you do that.

I'm sure naturally do it. Now we are no more natural. Our night has become day, day has become night. We have gone so much against the nature that the natural activities we have forgotten. So come on the moment you wake up, stretch yourself, breathe in, take your hands up, expand your chest, come look at the sky that you are not just me and me.

You are part of the universe. Take the strength from the universe, take the strength from nature.

Ryan:So if I'm staying in a PG, at least go out to the balcony, look at the sky and stretch. Absolutely, absolutely. So don't be inside that tube light till 10 o'clock in the morning. Correct,

Yogendra:or closed roof with AC.

It's absolutely not natural.

Ryan:So these are three from your yoga.


Ryan:about Ayurveda?

Yogendra:Ayurveda, again, it goes hand in hand.


Yogendra:When the mind is disturbed, body is disturbed, when you are not doing your morning duties. Say now, Ayurveda says, the moment you wake up in the morning, incense, you should get up at least around sunrise or before sunrise, at least half an hour before sunrise.

What 5. 45 AM. That's a very good time. Perfect.

Ryan:Without alarm clock.

Yogendra:It should be like that. Now that is natural, because your body only tells you that this is now sufficient, Ryan, you have slept well, get up. So this has to happen. It is natural, nobody is teaching you, because you are sleeping on time. What time do you sleep?

10, 15, 10,


Yogendra:You are such an ideal boy. Very nice. Practice

Ryan:what you preach, no? That's what we have to do. Lead by example. Very

Yogendra:true. Very true. So, morning you get up in the bed itself. Do your little stretching wherever you are. Do little stretching. Yoga says that. Ayurveda also says this. Do little stretching.

Take one or two long breaths. Move your legs. Breathe in. Lift your leg up a bit. Down. Up. Straight. You are sleeping. So lift your leg up a bit, down, another leg, up, down. Automatically your core muscles will start activating. Because it is sleeping the whole night. Yes. Your body is doing nothing. Body needs movement.

Internal organs need activity again.

Ryan:For flushing later.

Yogendra:Correct. How you found out. So this is how. Now Ayurveda says in the morning you are, you should be evacuated bowel properly. Yoga tells you how to do that. So do this little leg up and all that. Move your stomach, knee closer to your stomach. What we call is Pavan Muktasana.

Breathe and move your abdomen a bit. Your focus on your stomach. Breathe in stomach up, breathe out stomach in. Do for sometimes and automatically from inside you will feel now let me get up and push it out. So this has to happen in the morning. Very strongly we recommend Ayurveda as well as Yoga. Drink warm water.

Drinking warm water is a must. Rather if you live drink warm water only that would be most healthy. So such things are there. So these are all you are doing yoga and you I in awe, morning time is bit, you know, coffee time when you get up since you are inertia there in your body. So body develops more mucus and cough.

So yoga, Ayurveda calls morning time as a Kapha period time. So Kapha period time, what type of food you should eat, also Ayurveda makes it clear, even yoga joins hands. Ayurveda says that in the morning, you must have what is called as Haldi, Tamarik. You must have Amla. Supposed to be the thing which you should be eating


Can I, can I give you one tip about amla? There was a research paper. Um. When people consumed amla with higher cholesterol, the LDL dropped by 30 basis points. Yes, exactly. And the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want people with high cholesterol to know this. Ha, ha, ha. So they take medicines.

Yogendra:Naturally, they can sell medicine.

World is full of all such people. But every householders know that Amla is good. So, suppose I don't get Amla, can I use the Amla powder? Dry Amla powder, yes. So, what is my drink in the morning? I take a glass of warm water, half a glass of warm water, in that I put a spoon of, small spoon of Amla powder, dry.

When fresh Amla is available, use fresh. So, like quarter

Ryan:teaspoon? Or lesser than what? Chota, chota. Like three, four pinches?



Yogendra:Small teaspoon.


Yogendra:teaspoon full of amla powder. Okay. One teaspoon full of haldi powder. Turmeric is very good for your system. Okay. To build everything. And Ayurveda has ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha you can add if you want to. Or you can add what is called a cinnamon.


Yogendra:Dalchini. Put quarter spoon of dalchini. It becomes very tasty and then you can have lemon. Lemon, supposed to be very good. So half lemon. If you want to put little honey, add. That would be the best thing. If you don't want to put honey, don't put.

But that becomes the best thing. So that drink first in the pot. About 150



Ryan:yes. Because a cup is 200 ml.


Ryan:So 150. 150 ml. And it has to be warm?

Yogendra:Warm. First you wake up and drink a plain water, warm water. And then after evacuating, then you have this drink.

Ryan:So I take this solution before I go to the toilet to evacuate or take it before that?

Either of it.

Yogendra:That's your choice. Depends. Everybody doesn't have a push immediately. They have to start doing some physical activity. Depends on

Ryan:their diet in the previous day also.

Yogendra:Correct. Correct. What they have eaten if they have eaten breads and biscuits and no fiber, no fiber. So naturally they will not have.

We had one very interesting person in the inside. I'll give you one case history. Okay. There was a man who came and he is very severely constipated and all that. So Dr. we, my husband, Dr. Jaydev, we said, come on, sit down first, eat this, this food, which is full of fiber and all that lemon juice once or twice in a day do all that.

And, and then. He says, all this I'm doing, I'm eating sufficient fiber. Okay. Sleep well, good sleep can relax everything and you can leave things rather than holding on. We call it constipative personality when people are constipated.

Ryan:That's what I was thinking when you said leave everything and you were doing this, I was like, but you leave everything over here, right?

But it holds here also is what you're saying.

Yogendra:Yes, it holds here. It's like a personality. Here are people who hold on to their opinions. That's it. I am right. Every world is not right. I am right. Opinions. Strong opinions. Strong likes, dislikes.

Ryan:So you told this person to let, let, let go.

Yogendra:So he, but he was somehow not getting better.

One thing we found that he was a very rigid temperament wise also. One say, Dr. Jaydev told him, every day, this is like a treatment, every day when you come back home from work, play with your wife. Play with your wife. So what will I play? We are only two in the house. Play with your wife. Something, anything.

Play cards, play carrom, play anything, but you play with your wife. This is what, that has to do with my constipation. This is a joke. Come to me after one month. And he started. Now he had a tusk. Tough time with his wife. They were not in good terms with each other. But since he was told to play, he told wife, come, let's play.

They started playing. They started like laughing, giggling. Everything started. I'm winning. You are losing. You are winning. And all that started in carom and cards and all that. After 20 days, he came. So Dr. Raja said, come sit now. I'll tell you something more about your constipation. He says, constipation that has gone.

He says, gone. He says, how it has gone? By playing with my wife, he said. Because now the tension is gone. I am, my wife are very happily moving now together. Now she's not going to leave me. And so on. So sometimes the treatment has to be done even at that level. So Ayurveda also says that if a person is not getting treated by proper medications or proper diet, then person has to look up to yoga because yoga deals with mind.

Entire yoga talks about mind. And so, Charak Samhita, Ayurveda's main book, if you read, it's mentioned that. Then the person would be finally treated with yoga.

Ryan:Wonderful. So somewhere in this. Teachings. You mentioned starting with children. My son is 11 years old. Um, what is the right age to start our children?

Because our culture needs to encourage, the schools are not encouraging yoga. So what age can I put him in yoga? First of all, the

Yogendra:education starts with When the mother is pregnant, she should be health conscious. She should be walking. She should be with nature, garden, flowers. If she can see a rose, go and smell the flower and enjoy the fragrance.

She should be doing all these things and then she should be doing some asanas during pregnancy. So that culture goes into child's mind also and later on, say around three years when child is watching father doing some asana, mother doing some asana, child also starts doing it. They enjoy. And now, of course, schools, sub schools, at least in Mumbai, are definitely having yoga as a subject.

We have made a full curriculum, how in schools you should be teaching. Not just this asan and that asan and that asan. So

Ryan:this curriculum to be given to schools, how do you all do it? There's a website that they can come and see or they have to get in touch with the Yoga Institute?

Yogendra:They should be in touch with Yoga Institute.

I think so, it is there in website. I don't know now, I don't remember. But in Delhi, our Delhi center. Has printed and the book is available. Wow, wonderful. Of curricula.

Ryan:Because I think every kid in today's world, whilst they're distracted by the internet so much, Yes. And video games.

Yogendra:That is a challenge.

Ryan:I think schools, government and parents are responsible to teach the next generation.


Yogendra:Government is working hard on that. And we are very much into this to see that the school and child has to learn. But Ayurveda point of view, now to remain healthy and fit, they have certain norms. They say that the child should be, that Malish Ayurveda believes too much in oil. So massage of a child so that bones become strong, that the age of three, four or right from the birth, you know, they start massaging.

But later on, massaging child is good, that child should be in sun, which yoga also believes, should be playing in sun, so that bones become strong and more vitamin D. Child should not be totally indoors, because this Corona time, when children were indoors. And even parents were indoors, majority of those two, three years.

So many deficiencies came in their body and the way in which they have suffered, we know it. That's why we came online and not offline. So, they say that. And then child should be eating food at a right time. That eating food breakfast you don't rush or run away. Ginger must go in your body in the morning because of prakriti is high.

So ginger tea or ginger boiled in water and added in milk and all such stuff. And almonds, nuts are very good. And I always tell children they should have a handful of ground nuts, but not ground nut roasted or khari seen. It should be cooked. Boiled. Because protein boiled. Protein doesn't get destroyed by boiling, cooking.

True. So protein can be easily digestible for them. So cooked groundnut with little salt, boiled groundnut, salted. That is tasty. And maybe a banana. That would be their breakfast. And a milk, of course. milk and that's it. That morning breakfast is very good. So this is how we have to slowly put them into a right type of breakfast and not bread and butter and all these stuffs.

So somewhere, and it is not so difficult. It is or almonds or cashew. or any of these nuts, but they should be soaked overnight and not eaten as it is. Anything should be made little soft, softer and easily chewable so that saliva is mixing very well with them.

Ryan:Wonderful. Um, we talked about the children, my elderly parents.

Majority of India, post 50 years of age, may do some exercise because they're going towards retirement and they realize, Haddi toh dard hoda hai, muscle mein pain hota hai. So I remember interviewing a doctor and he said, muscle is the only age reversible organ.

Yogendra:Very true.

Ryan:Very correct. And in yoga, for us to encourage.

Older India. I keep telling my parents, mom, dad, you need to exercise your muscle in yoga. Hansa Ma, what would you advise people for strengthening the muscles? Any specific? See

Yogendra:muscles, body needs activity and mind needs quietening. In old age, mind runs too much and body is inactive. They sit at one place and tell somebody, get me.

I'm glass of water rather than they getting up themselves and slowly, slowly going and getting the water. So first of all, they should become self reliant as far as possible. They should be doing their needs themselves as far as possible. They need a support, take the support, but do it yourself that I will do my thing myself that itself will keep them little better.

Simple, simple movements when you are getting up and sitting down on the chair itself is a very good exercise, what we call as Utkatasana or bringing your arms up. Not so difficult. Both hands have to go up. Take your both arms up, yes, and join them. If possible, bring them down. Now this, what is difficult in that and stretching your arms on the side, take it on the side and twist a little bit this way or that way.

Exactly. Now, such things are not difficult or getting up at moving your leg behind and another leg behind so that your kidneys are taken care of because long sitting means kidneys are compressed. Circulation is poor on the back. So you, these are all body movements are all one one asanas if I tell you.

This is called Parvatasana. This is called Chakrasana. Asanas could be done in the beginning in a very simple way, slowly, slowly, as you become more flexible, you can do it a little bit more, but there is nothing like a perfect way of doing asana, never.

Ryan:Should the older people have a yoga master or teacher available to guide them?

Should. Can,

Yogendra:if they want to, but first they should become active themselves. Doing certain things. There was one case I tell you. There was one gentleman who was 86 year


Yogendra:and in the house Son is there, daughter in law is there, grandchildren are there. Everybody is busy doing something or other so they hardly have time but this Persons is being looked after by children.

He is in the house with joint family. But he came and told me, Hansaji, I am just useless in the house. I am doing nothing. I have nothing to do. I am just as if waiting for dying. What is my purpose? I always say keep purpose in mind. What can I do in the house? I said do something simple. Old people, they don't get sleep more.

But youngsters, they want sleep more. And they are running around. So tell your daughter in law that I will be up early. So when the milkman comes or anything, I'll take you sleep or in the afternoon when you want to rest, I will go and pick up the things, I mean, people come, you have to get up and open the door, these simple, simple things I can do.

He did that and he became such a dear person for the whole family that he died at the age of 99. Everybody really missed him because

Ryan:he was so useful. So your message is yoga actually starts in the thought and the action of doing. Yes, yes. Mom, dad, if you're listening in, I'm going to make you all do a lot more work, even though you don't stay with me, do all your work.

Yes. So that is a form of yoga for them. Absolutely.

Yogendra:This is yoga.

Ryan:Um, you talked in depth about Corona and how everyone was indoors and immunity got affected. Hansa Ma in this ancient culture of ours, what are the things we can do to boost the immunity?

Yogendra:See that way we are all born with good amount of immunity.

Our body is complete. Body has its own immunity, but then we do wrong actions in life, and so the wrong way of living, so immunity goes low. It's our responsibility to build up immunity. And so, Ayurveda talks a lot about it. Ayurveda says certain things you must eat. And the highest thing, as I said, amla.

Another thing which everybody should be eating is bitter neem leaves. It really builds up immunity. Neem, karwa neem, just five, six leaves of karwa neem. Take one black pepper, pull it, put it with those cardamom and chew it up. Oh, chew it? Chew


Yogendra:up. Absolutely fine. You will like it that pepper's taste is there and bitter thing.

I mean, you can get used to it And that will very be your old people should be doing that. Everybody should be doing that

Ryan:comment below that You tried five neem leaves with pepper and we'll message hansama if it's amazingly for your taste buds But remember sometimes taste is not the perspective. We want the immune boosting

Yogendra:very true very strong immune Immune goes high when you take ghee You know, ghee is so important because that really strengthens your gut health.

And once whatever you eat, body can absorb, assimilate everything out of it. Ghee is the factor. Milk is another thing which will keep your immunity high. Black pepper is there. So these are the stuff. These are all available naturally and we should be using these things. I'm not in favor of vegans at all.

I would say that it is, I would say definitely have milk or these things and carry on. Tansha

Ryan:Ma, we've talked about the brain, immunity. What about the digestive system? I know you discuss constipation, but so many people come to my clinic for nutrition advising solve my constipation problem in yoga and Ayurveda.

What is your quick tips for people to start improving their life using our ancient culture? You see, for better

Yogendra:digestion, certain better activities should be there. Your Ayurveda and yoga tells you that when you eat food, what is your state of mind? You should eat food when you are grounded well. I mean, you are sitting nicely, preferably on the ground or even on chair, but put your legs up and sit so your abdomen is free, no congestion is there.

So that has, then you should always eat seasonal food, seasonal fruits, seasonal fruits, seasonal vegetables. If you go off season is there to help us. We are not taking help. Always eat seasonal fruits and seasonal vegetables should be part of it. In your life, there should be something like, some, which will not create constipation.

Ayurveda mentions this trifla sort of a stuff. That also could be part of your life. Proper liquid when you drink water, what is the approach of drinking water, that has to be understood.

Ryan:You have had one video where you say drink buttermilk during your meal.

Yogendra:And I'm coming to that. Very strongly we recommend buttermilk.

Ayurveda says that if your stomach is going a little upset, just drink buttermilk for three days, don't eat anything. Ayurveda talks a lot about langhan, that is upvas. Past things, sort of a stuff. Just buttermilk for three days or just warm water for whole two days. Just warm water and your whole system would be very very cleaned and your digestive fire will become strong.

Your fire has to become strong from this.

Ryan:So this is a very interesting concept. In, in Western philosophy, we say now there was a Nobel Prize won for fasting and Ayurveda and yoga practices have told this for centuries. So if somebody had to do this Drinking plain water or lowering the meal size. It's a type of fasting.

Yes. How would it be done correctly?

Yogendra:See then a person if he's not eating anything, he's not supposed to go out in the world

Ryan:That is the biggest problem today everyone wants to do detoxification and fasting and then and then they're running out

Yogendra:Then they will catch infection then immunity goes down.

Ryan:I keep telling them do it on a saturday sunday when you're at home So is that the correct thing to very correct?

Very correct. Why should they not be running around?

Yogendra:What is the world now Sina? In the air itself, there is so much of tension, everything is so bad, and infection, even infection like TB, you know, everything, influenza, everything is there in the air, and you are not eating, so that moment your immunity is little low, and you are still active, so avoid, no, when you are not putting anything, you are not supposed to do some activities also, so do activities in the house, with little lesser physical running around and lesser meeting with people who may be infected that much careful we should be if at all but yoga doesn't talk like that yoga says why should you have to do fasting because you are over eating if you over it then you have to do fast if you are eating wrong food then you have to fast correct otherwise where is the need of fasting so don't eat up to here Half stomach, only half stomach with food.

Ryan:Hansa Ma says half stomach.

Yogendra:I tell everybody, whatever you are eating na, just cut 50 percent of it. 50 percent of sales? Yes, straight away. You are drinking glass of milk, half a glass. You are eating two chapatis, eat one chapati. As you grow, your food intake has to be less and not more. And it should be reduced.

According to age, children, they They know how much they should eat, and then they say, no, we don't want, and they start doing nakaras, they force parents, but they would not, they will vomit it out. Kids are very good, but as they grow, then you like something, likes, dislikes have become very high, which is so wrong.

What likes, dislikes, what is good you should like? It has to be some discipline. With food. You can't take it. I would like so you eat it. The smell is good. So it looks nice. So you eat it. No According to age so eating less that is another aspect and notice if you feel Whenever you are hungry, you should be eating that rule is there if you are not hungry, you have no right to eat So I say that at lunchtime if you are not hungry just have buttermilk.

Don't eat anything At tea time you are not hungry, just take a lemon juice or a herbal drink, any ginger, tulsi leaves, boiled with water, drink that cinnamon boiled with water and take it, wonderful drinks they are. So, this is another aspect. And when you eat, eat little, rule is very clear, Mithahari, with food never take water, you have liquid with you.

You have buttermilk or anything with you, plain water no, because plain water washes away your digestive juices.

Ryan:So India, everyone's running, everyone's hustle and bustle. We are the youngest, largest population workforce in the world. Yes. Everyone's working today. Yes. I believe a lot of India is eating fast food and not eating with a thought of what they're putting into their body.

And as a result, we are seeing urban obesity going through the roof. Very


Ryan:What is your take on how we can follow an ancient culture of wisdom? with yoga and Ayurveda to help people who are in office spaces and they have this runaway weight game.

Yogendra:See how much time do you take to eat food? Here is a plate where all the varieties which we are used to chapati, sabzi, dal, rice and even other things chutneys and salads and full of all these varieties but now we are we have no time for all that.

We can just take a handful of gram chana and a glass of limbu pani and that's my food. Or I can just have rice and dal or sprouts cooked and mixed together. That's my food and a buttermilk. You don't need more than five minutes, I tell you. So first of all, keep this in mind. That you can't have that comfort of having a nice sitting on the plate and eating.

No, we youngsters, basically. No time for that. Old people can do that and carry on. Children also, they have no time nowadays. So that is one thing, that food. Now when you are sitting, your focus should be, use your fingers, use your body, eating food and not spoon and that. That touch of your earthy, earthly element is very much good for saliva, for mouth, to eat better, possible.

And so chew well, enjoy the food. Come on, sip it.

Ryan:I actually got saliva coming in

Yogendra:my mouth right now. Enjoy the food. If you are doing anything, do it well. That discipline should be there in us. Yoga is a culture of consciousness. You should be conscious of doing everything.

Ryan:Should I sit down and eat or should I stand and eat?

Because in offices, everyone is standing and eating.

Yogendra:They have their own chair. No, a lot

Ryan:of people, they go to the cafeteria and they're like eating, standing, right? So I keep telling people, please sit down. And sitting is better

Yogendra:than standing. So always, if you can do it, but then after this, suppose you are standing and eating, but after that sit, sit at least straight.

What we say is Vajrasattva, sit straight with your legs together up, that you can do it. So I tell all these people who are working in office, office break is there for food. First 10 minutes to walk, climb stairs. That is three floors. I would say four. Before lunch, before eating.

Ryan:Okay. Then climb

Yogendra:up and down, and then sit quietly, find your place to sit and eat, if not, stand and eat whatever is possible, and then sit, or stroll, strolling at least after food, say around 100 steps though you should put, aramse, and that much you can do, that you should love yourself, Baba.


Ryan:when can I drink water after all of this? You

Yogendra:will automatically get thirsty after two hours. Because with food, you have buttermilk. So after two hours, you will get thirsty. When you are thirsty, drink. When you are hungry, eat. This rule you should always follow. Or remember, because sometimes our mind is so active, na, ki you don't register any of these things.

Then in that case, we always say follow a rule. Half an hour before food, drink a glass of water. Half a glass, I always say. Drink little water. And two hours after food, drink little water. Keep that in mind. make it and drink because your mind is not with your

Ryan:body. Ah, so now you answered quite, quite part of my question, which is I do yoga on two days a week with a yoga master.

And I, as a sports nutritionist, we recommend that you have to consume water to hydrate. But I think my master explained to me, don't drink water during the session. So are you, kind of autocratic on that or democratic on the process of consuming water during a yoga session?

Yogendra:If you are thirsty, drink. But this theory that I have sweated so much or I am, I am, I should be drinking, so I'm drinking.

People have started drinking compulsively because they have read somewhere, go on drinking water, you will keep, your body will be. So go by thirst. Thirst. Your body's natural demands. Listen to your body

Ryan:language. That helps. Speaking of listening to the body's language, a lot of clients come to my clinic and say, sir, detox ka diet deto, detox ka diet deto.

So sometimes, you know, what we like, as a nutritionist, you have basic diet, detox ka matlab fasting. But is there anything, I read up something called Panchakarma. Panchakarma. You enlightened me on that.

Yogendra:In Panchakarma, it's a big detox process.


Yogendra:Ayurveda mentions that. Panchakarma is beautiful thing for detoxing.

But what they do is, one is massage of the body so that it relaxes. Then Nasya, that is nasal, putting some drops and sneezing it out so that your sinuses are cleared up. Different from Jal Neti? Different from Jal Neti. If they put medicine, they have some. Um, six types of extracts of some herbs into a drop bottle and then put one, one drop there.

Some do that. Some don't. Some nowadays started teaching Jal Neti. So it was Nasya.


Yogendra:It was, now it is Vaman, vomiting. Ayurveda believes a lot. Yoga also teaches, but once in a month, if at all you are eating wrong food and all that. Then women, virature, purgative. So they give something so that you have purgative or they make you to eat, drink good amount of ghee so that it moves naturally and then becomes a laxative sort of a stuff.

And then they have steam. Body steam. That also goes in all kar. These are the things and, and, and Roha will the


Yogendra:oil on your head and you are lying down in a relaxed way. So you have to learn how to relax. There are people who go there, they are lying down, but they have sufficient time to worry and think

So here comes yoga the mind. How to relax. Yes, you have to learn how to relax. So these are panchakarma, but then in our house, when we have to do detoxification. We can use massage if you can do, do being in sun very good and after massage being in sun for some time and going ahead. Then Triphala is very good.

So take Triphala and that will settle down your cleansing

Ryan:process. Super. Um, coming to yoga. best time to do yoga because actually I have no time in the day. So absolutely no time. So I do my yoga sessions in the evening around seven o'clock to actually relax my mind. And now today I understood when you said yoga is the mind.


Ryan:So what's the best time other people

Yogendra:after coming back from work? They should do some yoga so that they are relaxed and fine so they are very good husbands or wives in the house because their mind is and everything is better. Yoga has no fixed time. What are the different types of yoga? Asanas, asanas have no different time.

You can do right in the morning as I told you, right in your bed. You can have, do some asanas when you are taking your bath, wonderful time to do some asanas in your bathroom and then before food you can do asanas, two hours after food you can do asanas, whole day, even in your bed when you are sleeping, you are not getting a sleep, do some asanas.

And you will be sleeping well. So asana part you can do any time in a day.

Ryan:If you want those asanas, check the link in the descriptor. And Hansa Ma has gladly shared that from her yoga institute in the link.

Yogendra:Yes. And so this is asana part. As far as mind is concerned, mind should be, you should be sincere in doing your work, more focused in your work, no distractions here and there.

And then what is important is recreation, relaxation, which we told that fellow person who was constipated, that is so important. Playing games, laughing, giggling, dancing, singing, we, we give three types of recreational activity. One is Sahitya, read something nice, wonderful reading, and then think about it right in your own way.

This is one of a very good recreating activity, nice, good literature. Second is Sangeet, music. I personally believe that everybody has to be at least a bathroom singer. You should be singing. Sing and do, wherever your mind is free, sing. Otherwise, mind will go in different direction. Mind will go in past or in future.

What will happen or past. To check your mind, singing is very good. Singing, dancing steps, you should do some dancing steps also. It is very, at any age, you, your parents will enjoy holding hands together and dancing. Take some dancing classes on online that are available. where you can put some steps here and there and enjoy with music.

It's very good. Flute playing or santur playing or any of these instrument playing is wonderful. In your personality, you must have that rhythm and these notes. Very good. And kala, any art. Any art means either playing badminton or tennis or any of these games or any art. It could be pottery making, gardening, cooking.

Do you know how to cook? Yes. Yes. You have rolled chapati? Yes. Very good. Good one. So it's, it's like cooking. Everybody should know how to cook. We have, we had a camp where all the managing directors of different companies were here and about 120 of them and we took them to our kitchen here. Somebody will roll, somebody will cut and that one hour session kept with them in kitchen.

Kitchen is the main stress busting place. Your stress

Ryan:will go away in kitchen. I have a question here out of topic. I always tell India better to carry ghar ka khaana tiffin box. Exactly. Because of the vibrational energy of love going to the food. Do you echo that?

Yogendra:percent. So when you said office people, they should not eat, open the packet and eat and open the bottle and drink.

Not at all. They should carry your home food, a simple chapati, a simple, as I gave you an example, just dal rice, eat it up or chapati and sabji, just roll it and keep it and eat it up. It doesn't take time,

Ryan:but homemade food, always homemade food. And I know a lot of you are staying pgs and are away from your parents and loved ones and all So in case you cannot do that Look at buying carrot or cucumber just take it Cut it on your own in your office.

And one thing you do is when food comes to you just Pray over it. Yes. Because you can change the energy of the food. If that chef in the kitchen was angry and cutting the vegetables at his boss, you might get that energy. So I think if you, if you see ancient, very

Yogendra:nice when, yes. We all before eating, we, we start, we eat, we always, we used to put

Ryan:water around the food purified and everything, right?


Yogendra:But at least pray thank and then it, it's at least bring

Ryan:your mind peaceful when we say peaceful. I think the human race gets peace when it sleeps, because the mind is very, very active. I do have a lot of clients. Forget clients. I mean, I have so many kids and so many middle aged people, 20 to 30.

Netflix is the biggest temptation. Exactly. So Yog Nidra, I discovered it on an app and I played it and it worked amazingly well. Yes. It calmed me down. What is your take on Yog

Yogendra:Nidra? Yes. That is our yoga technique. Yoga dhidra is called even as shavasana. Shavasana, shavasana means partial and complete.

One is partial when you focus on one, one part of your body and make it relaxed. So we make people to do that. You are sitting, you focus on your toe, make it tight, and then relax it. Your mind should go on your toe and tell him, come on, relax. Then you go to your anchors, different fingers, and then move it and then relax it.

Then you go to your calf muscles, relax it. Then you go to your thighs, relax it. Then go to your. Thighs, the thighs, knees, relax it, then goes here, generative organs, you relax it, reproductive system, goes to your stomach, so your mind is traveling, going there, breathe in, stomach up, breathe out, stomach in, just do that, and you will relax it.

Then you go to your chest, take a breath from chest, breathe in, chest goes up and chest goes down very nicely you are doing, relax it, go to your shoulders, make it, make your shoulders little relaxed and make your arms also along with it, relax, palm, you can turn your palm upwards, relax it, shoulders are relaxed, Then your throat, just gulp one saliva and tell it to relax.

Then it comes to your chin, tighten it and relax it. Lips, relax it. There should be a nice smile, little, very good. Then tip of the nose, nose by itself. Breathing, exhalation. Goes to your eyes, eyelids, tighten it and relax. Very nice. Go to your eyebrows, move up and down, and then relax your forehead, move it a little more up, very nice, relax.

And then your head, upper, make it relax. So this is from down going up, and then from up in the same way you go down. Ears also can come. Can you move your ear?

No. Yes, but, yes, some people, they can move their ear also. I think that's a genetic gift. Yes, yes, genetic. Some just, um, one eyebrow is going up and down. What point is your mind should be focused on? I'm already feeling relaxed,


Yogendra:Yes, you will feel relaxed. So, this, Art of relaxing should be done, but when get a good to get a good sleep first Okay, and during day in the office, you are just sitting you have five minutes Come on, just go through different part and make it relaxed

Ryan:In fact, I tell all my dieticians from one counseling to the next counseling just do this relaxation through exactly because sometimes Clients or patients can rob you of your energy

Yogendra:Absolutely, right Or if they are sitting for long, then they should get up, go near a window and see something which is very far from them because we are seeing things which are very close.

All the time, yes. So something very far, that yoga talks about. And look at the sky or a bird lying very high or a mountain and then sit and relax. So some such little, little things we have to adapt when we are in the office and we have to become aware how long am I sitting or how long am I standing.

Accordingly, I should decide as Ayurveda decides what type of this person is, accordingly he gives the diet, what type not. Now a personality like you, you are a Vata type according to Ayurveda. So you will never put on weight, you will be thin and your body weight will be your bones, that's it. Some who have Pitta personality, their body is okay, fine.

But some who have Kapha personality, they put on weight very easily, very easily. And so, accordingly, the diet has to be mentioned. Accordingly, what activities you should do should be mentioned. And so on and so forth.

Ryan:So, you know, you're talking about the different body types. And from a food scientist point of view, the human race has evolved.

Genetics has also evolved. Yes. I believe today a lot of people are doing self help in Ayurveda also on themselves. Yes, yes. Is this dangerous?

Yogendra:Well, as long as your kitchen stuffs are concerned, that's okay. But when you go a little bit deeper into those herbs, which you also don't identify it well, you should always go to a Ayurvedic doctor to get the things done.

After they have studied very well and they have their courses which are Like MBBS, they also are good. On your own taking medicines, on your own taking anything is not hurt. If it, Ayurvedic medicine, if it is just these things like ginger or garlic or this or that, that's fine. I mean, and I feel that actual treatment is those grand, grandmother's remedies, you know, those books were available earlier.

If you have cough, what to take of your cough. They are much better. And do yoga, my God. I would say if you follow yoga, you won't need any medication.

Ryan:You know, um, the small transgression over here, there's this very famous breath coach called Vimov who does aggressive breathing and he challenged anyone in the world.

They put the influenza virus in him, cold virus in him. He sits in an ice tub and everything. And obviously he, his immune system is so good because of breath work. And when somebody said that to me, I was like, dude, we have been doing this for thousands of years. The yogics have been doing it. Our meditation persons, the Tibetan monks have been doing it.

So when we look at theater today, the human race is looking for theater. Should we stick to the ancient traditional form or should we look for teachers who have a nice blend or mix? I don't know what's the right answer. In your view, what do you feel? See, when it comes to body

Yogendra:mechanism like breath, your body itself knows breathing pattern.

According to your state of mind, your breath would be getting affected. If you are angry, your breath would be faster. If you are sad or depressed, you would hardly breathe. So breath goes along with your state of mind. Yoga makes it clear. So now when forcibly you are doing something, you are going very much against it.

I give you one story again here. There was one boy who wanted to join army and his chest expansion was little less, one inch less. And so he was said, you are not fit. First practice breathing, expand your chest and then come to us next year. And suddenly he read our book, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Hatha Yoga, and he saw this pranayama, breathing, when it was mentioned that breathe in and hold your breath, which is called as kumbhak.

Now the proportion should be, we are very, very, very cautious about it. You can't interfere with your breath. But this fellow did. He did. Breathe in, hold your breath. So he was holding his breath and he was a young boy holding tightly his nose and just stopped his breath for practically two minutes or two and a half minutes because he wants to expand his chest, full chest.

And then what happened? Total imbalance in his personality. He became literally mad. No control over his senses. Nothing. He was walking in the room like a mad lion or an angry lion moving here and there. He can't sleep. He doesn't want to eat. He doesn't want to do. He became so much and medical science said he's totally a psychotic case.

He should be put in mental asylum. Now parents saw that what was he doing? He was healthy and fine and they saw our book. So they came to us to meet. My father in law was there. He said that, where is that boy? Bring him here. So the boy was called here. He caught him. Actually, they had to tie him up and brought, and he was sitting there.

It was quite a case. And father in law looked at him in his eyes like that. He became little steadier because you, you have to advertise them. He became a little steadier. And then he said, Now sit quietly. And he sat quietly for some time. Then father in law said, leave him here because he can respond. So leave him here and we will handle him.

So slowly, slowly, he was told just to breathe one or two, just to move hands here and there, do some, so circulation on surface level should start first. You have to slowly train the body and he started all that. Sitting in sun for half a day he was made to sit in sun. for some time and do you want to act out do but sit inside so such activities we started and giving him food which is Totally natural and which he will eat because he likes this.

So he'll take that and he was behaving very funny But then he settled down, it took one and a half month for him to settle down. We make it very much clear that please don't interfere with your breath. So that the additional things we have adapted, but we have simplified according to modern people's personalities, temperament, modern people's.

Physique, body. Nowadays we are not that tough and strong physically and we can't do all those things which you gave me the example of. I am totally against it. But we should develop our capacity. So intercostal muscles, clavicular muscles, diaphragm, all these muscles when we train them, which we do it in the institute.

We in the institute, we have what is called as NISPAN Where, which is a guided meditation, guided sleep. What you said, Yoga Nidra, it is guided meditation and guided sleep. So, you can't sleep well, go on that app and that would guide you, do this, do that and you will sleep. So, we have done good amount of research there and so that app is there with us.

Point is that we should work on ourselves. Every human body is different. No one formula will work. And it's very, very clear that no one medicine works on everybody. So by telling do this, do that, makes no sense. You have to develop awareness for yourself that what did I eat? So I tell people to write down a diary.

New students, when they come, they come for 21 days better living course, we tell them, my talk would be that write down a diary, where you write what did you eat today, because effect of food on body, you should know. That I eat cabbage today or bhindi today or what it is and so on. Effect of food on your body.

So observe, what did you eat, write it down. You will forget, yesterday what did I eat? People don't remember even that. Their mind is not there when they are eating food. Correct. So the whole point, write down what is the routine of yours. Are you sitting for long? Are you standing for long? Are you traveling today?

What is it? Just mention a line. Third, what is the condition of your body? So start observing where you have any pain, more gases, more acid, more head, head is heavier, what condition of your body and fourth condition of your mind. These four things you should write. So automatically you become aware about all these four areas and slowly slowly you educate yourself about your own body and then what happens is write the date.

So the weather, weather has its own effect. In cold climate, what food you have eaten, the same food in hot climate, it will have a different effect on your body. So write down even the date. So this is how you have to do study on yourself. Know thyself is the main rule in spirituality. And on that note, know

Ryan:thyself, I want to ask you a few rapid fire questions.

Okay. Okay. But sensible words of wisdom, know thyself. I think everyone out there watching this, the first journey is not to go and hunt for a teacher or a guru, but to become the teacher within yourself. And you can only teach yourself when you note down the observation of your behavior, your mind. But here are my rapid fire questions.

Okay. You're stuck on a desert island. Okay. And you have to carry this Ayurvedic case with you, which is the best herb for boosting immunity and why, in your opinion? As I said, neem or amla. Okay. My favorite too. I would add a little bit of turmeric by cheating and putting it a little bit in there.

Turmeric is

Yogendra:there, required. Yeah, very much. Because it's there in our kitchen always. Is ghee good or bad for weight loss? Ghee is very good for weight loss. You take a little ghee and that helps you to absorb and assimilate the food. Otherwise food is like a

Ryan:ghee. What foods to avoid for better digestion?

Yogendra:Cold type of a food, stale food. Yesterday I cooked it, kept in refrigerator and taken out and eaten and, um, unseasonal food and fruits.

Ryan:Best oral hygiene practices by Ayurveda?

Yogendra:Usually Ayurveda for oral hygiene talks about switching the oil. Oil pulling. Oil pulling, which Ayurveda says do every day.

But now, I at least don't. But, but yoga talks about oral hygiene, of drinking warm water and then massaging your gums, cleaning your tongue, moving thumb on your little tongue down, which is called uvula.

Ryan:But then you'll puke, right? You get the gag effect. A little, so

Yogendra:that all the congestion over here comes out.

I wonder why

Ryan:my grandmother used to be in the bathroom like, Oh, all of a sudden. That much noise they did not make. I

Yogendra:think she was doing it for our grandchildren's benefit. That is very good. All our traditional parents are doing it.

Ryan:Can Kapalbhati improve lung health? Yes, definitely. Yoga asanas to improve sexual performance.


Yogendra:because all your internal organs become healthy. So you are doing asanas for the pelvic region also.

Ryan:The top three ones, because India is watching, it's like, I want to improve my bedroom performance. So which ones would you recommend?

Yogendra:The asana part.


Yogendra:The first of all, healthy. Asana could be core exercise.

So you do knock asana.


Yogendra:You lie down in pranayama number four position that is your legs moving and knees up. Okay. Lie down so your entire spine is on the ground. Breathe out completely and tighten your bottom muscles and pull them upwards in lying down position. Hold it for some time. Relax and then breathe in.

So your stomach, breathe in, stomach goes up. Breathe out, stomach goes down, down, down. And then you tighten your bottom muscles. Your anus, your vagina, penis, you tighten it up. And pull it upwards, upward pull. And stay there for some time. So it is for 6 seconds or 10 seconds you are staying there. You are breathing out and holding your breath for that much time.

and then relax and breathe in. This exercise works wonders. It is called as, in simple words, it's called as Ashwini Mudra. Ashwa means horse and that strength comes in and it is tightening and relaxing of your anus muscle and then tightening and relaxing your Vaginal muscle, vagina, penis tightening and relaxing that if you learn just like that sitting you can do lying down you can do and systematically doing like this, which I mentioned would definitely help and then one asana which is very good is Bhadrasana.

Lie down your legs joined together, knees on the side. Butterfly movement little bit and stay there for some time without movement and come back. These two are enough.

Ryan:India, you heard here first. No side effects from these, right? Not at all. Better bedroom performance. The seventh one, my favorite number.

Yogendra:Bedroom performance, this has to be

Ryan:better. That's why, that's why she said earlier, now play with your wife. Correct. Is, is Is yoga safe during pregnancy and do you recommend any specific asanas that women can try on their own? Yes, on

Yogendra:their own. See, if they are not doing any asana. At all, then don't start with anything.

It's very clear. Walking is fine. Sitting on the ground is fine. Closing legs up if on the chair is fine. Just little stretching your body is fine. Yes, stick asana, stick pose. Joining your legs like this butterfly movement is very fine. That is not going to hurt you at all. Different asana, the one asana which I very strongly recommend is sitting in Vajrasana position.

Those who can sit or just sit like that and back bending. Take the support of your hand and lift your bottom up and go backwards so that you have a good pull and expansion of your abdomen region. That is very good for pregnant ladies, which we call as Ustras, Cabel pose. That should be done.

Ryan:And after the baby is born, most women say I don't have time and we get a lot of cases on a clinic of postpartum depression.




Yogendra:can there be any help? You get a lot of, in our country it is less but foreign country it is quite a lot. But our foreigners they are not ready for babies and babies. In our country we take baby very enjoy. But still postpartum depression can be handled very well with yoga. You should follow yoga path, diet part.

Yes, you can always tell diet part is very simple. We always say homemade food and food, which is easily di not very high protein diet, but a protein like pan, very easily digestible, grounded, boiled, and taken. 10, 12, chewing and eating is very good. Chanas are good in any case as a food. But watch your body and function accordingly.

But postpartum, for postpartum depression, this theories I tell you, that I need sleep, but the child didn't allow me to sleep. This, once the child has come, I can't do anything for myself. And all this me and mine, if that remains, You can't be a good mother. So

Ryan:what's your advice that

Yogendra:Child is your main pillar.

Your whole life should be rotating around baby and baby's demand and supply. When baby demands, you have to supply. Baby wants milk, you have to supply. Baby is peeing, pooing, pooing, you have to clean it. So that if you don't, if you don't become little selfless. Child is there. You don't become a mother.

Ryan:So you're saying the vibrational energy of the mother has to be for the child?

Yes. Always. How does she also take care of her health? Because then they use that as an excuse.

Yogendra:Theory, keep it out that I didn't sleep. Your body's hormones always settle down. You take care. The moment you are happy, joyful, your happy hormones are secreting.

Ryan:That's the, that's the case. Exactly. Be happy and joyful.

Exactly. Everything else will happen. Absolutely.

Yogendra:You don't sleep for whole time. It doesn't matter. You will not feel tired. If you're happy. If you are happy.

Ryan:And that child brings you happiness. Yes. And your family brings you happiness. Exactly. Whole family is happy. And then you tell your husband, here's the baby.

I'm going for yoga for half an hour with Hansama. Last question. And this might be controversial. I am a sports nutritionist. We recommend, I recommend to my parents to do strength training as well as yoga. What is your opinion on resistance training and does yoga provide some resistance training? Yes.

Yogendra:Yoga, first of all, yoga doesn't need any machinery and all that lifting this and that. No, yoga is very self sufficient science, very self sufficient. Now you want to strengthen your strength training. You are lying down, lift your leg up, stay there. Strength training means static variation of a certain essence.

That's it. Just going and coming, no. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 8 seconds, come down, no. That requires a lot of power also to do, right? Holding. Holding requires a lot. Depending upon your capacity, no. This also you, according to capacity you start, no, for the 1 kg, then 2 kg. In the same way, lifting leg up and staying there.

Stand and lift your leg up and stay there for some time. Don't hold it and Take it up and stay for some time that would strengthen your muscles, tighten and you will not have any knee problem if you do even this much, which is what I am telling you. So this is how yoga is quite separate. What is this Surya Namaskar?

It is a workout only. From that point of view, you're, you're doing workout, you're sitting down, getting up, you're lying down, taking the weight on your arm and going up. Also, in the olden time, they were doing danda and bethak,

Ryan:that person should do. So speaking of dandak and bethak, I work with all the top superstars in sports.

In yoga, if there

was a Virat

Ryan:Kohli asana, which one would it be? Go on your four

Yogendra:And then go down and get up, don't touch the floor, down, go very close to the floor, up again, close to the floor, up again. So like a

Ryan:modified shorter push up?

Yogendra:Yes, modified shorter push up. And going down and getting up again is very fine.

Yoga keeps your body flexible. What happens with all these muscles and muscle building? Your arms getting more bulge there. Yogis would not recommend that. Yogis say it should be like your body. Yogi would say it is same. Everywhere, but strength, strong and capable. And if a person is healthy, person will look beautiful.

It's the health which reflects. And it's the state of mind which reflects. If you are bothered with anger and frustration and negativity, that reflects on your face. So, but if you are happy, you are compassionate, caring personality, trying to do something for others, doesn't expect anything from others, will be most beautiful.

And you should be like that.

Ryan:Hansa Ma, this is the most enjoyable interview I've ever had. Thank you so much. It was lovely

Yogendra:time with you too, Ryan. Namaskar.

Ryan:Thank you for watching this far. It's been an amazing episode and I'm so grateful to have you till the end. If you like this video, please share this video with your loved ones.

Better still, gift me a subscribe, a like, or even a comment and we'll come back to you.

Mentioned Tools and Techniques

  • Yog Nidra: Guided meditation for restful sleep and mental clarity.

  • Pranayama: Breathing exercises to enhance lung capacity and reduce stress.

  • Surya Namaskar: A sequence of yoga poses to maintain muscle flexibility and strength.


  • The Yoga Institute: Hansaji’s organization offering yoga classes, workshops, and online courses.

  • Recommended natural remedies: turmeric, amla, and seasonal recipes.


Link to find Yoga Poses to Relax and Sleep Better:

Ryan's Playlist for relaxation: 

   • Ryan's Sleep playlist  

Find The Yoga Institute here: 

Instagram:   / theyogainstituteofficial  

Facebook:   / theyogainstituteofficial  

YouTube:    / @theyogainstituteofficial   

Find Hansa Maa here: 


These platforms regularly share Hansa Maa’s insights on yoga, Ayurveda, wellness tips, and spiritual guidance. For more information, you can also visit The Yoga Institute’s official website at 

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